Jason Silver

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My Journal and Diary



Friday, February 25th, 2005

Cancelled Enterprise

Well, Enterprise is probably my favourite incarnation of Star Trek so far.

As a child I faithfully watched most of the Kirk Episodes, with the exception of maybe the original pilot-- which most people haven't seen (and I have on tape).

In college, and for the next seven years I watched all of the Next Generation shows, then after moving to New Jersey and getting my first VCR, began taping them. I have all of Next Generation on tape, as well as most of Deep Space Nine, all of Voyager... I have almost all of the Original Series... I even have all of the movies on tape! I have numerous computer programs, books, indices, encyclepedias, Christmas decorations, gadgets, nose-pieces, Bjorn earings, you name it. I have a few Star Trek board games. I have Star Trek pencils, journals, figures, and more! I have a Star Trek mouse, shaped like a phasar pistol (unopened, never used). I have a beeping communicator pin. I have dozens of TV Guides, like new, which contain cover stories of Star Trek episodes. I have hundreds of Star Trek comics, in mint. The list really goes on and on.

I also have all of the Enterprise episodes (but in DivX form), on my computer.

So I think I'm qualified more than most people to judge Star Trek. I think I'm probably as much a fan as anyone else. For this reason, it really blows me away when people say they don't like Enterprise. In my opinion, it's probably the best Star Trek ever. The stories are the most belieable, the characters are three dimensional, and the actors, fantastic.

I love Enterprise, and yes, I want to marry it.

I wish I could join all of these fans in Los Angeles, New York, Washington, London, and Tel Aviv who are protesting the cancellation. This reminds me of what happened in 1967 when Star Trek was cancelled after two seasons. A husband and wife team rallied enough support that they brought it back for one more season (albeit, the worst season of Star Trek ever!)

The United Paramount Network canceled the show earlier this month at the end of its fourth season, which is set to conclude in May. If canceled, television would be left without a Star Trek show for the first time in nearly 20 years.

The campaign to save the show is headed by Trekkie Tim Brazeal. Brazeal, 42, is galvanizing thousands of fans worldwide to collect $32 million to pay for the cost of a fifth season of Star Trek: Enterprise.

I'm not sure how I'm going to get by without Star Trek in my life. ;-) Somebody beam me up!


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