My Journal and Diary
Friday, November 16th, 2018
Whose Glory?

A number of years ago, shortly after writing this song, I attended a funeral. As I stood among the mourners, grappling with the realities of life and death, the words of Psalm 30 echoed in my mind.
A Psalm written for the dedication of David's palace, it's focus is on God and the greatness of His deliverance. As his house was dedicated, David wanted God to be praised, not himself.
Our house is often-times a representation of our self. David doesn't describe his mighty battles, his successes, or his power, but instead sings of his dependence on God in every situation.
In a similar way, this fellow we were celebrating, had lived a long life of putting God first. We heard story after story of how he sought not his own glory, but God's glory.
As I took in the eulogies, watched the slideshow celebrations of this fellow's impact; as I heard the weeping sobs from his wife and children, and the many others whom he had touched, I was overwhelmed with a sense of beauty and appreciation. I was reminded that a life well lived, is a life which puts others first. While we are here, we must choose what we will do with our brief time: who we will love; how we will sacrifice for the greater good; and whether we try to make this earth a better place.
But most importantly, we have the choice to assign the success and glory in our life to ourselves, or to God. Even if we don't realize it at the moment, God is the one who gives us breath, who provides our daily bread, who lifts us from our moments of despair, who heals us, restores us, and saves us.
What an ideal to pursue! Intuitively, I think every one of us knows that life is about more than our own glory. As one friend often says, "If it's all about me, it ain't about much."
Lord my God, I will praise you forever!