Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Tuesday, October 24th, 2006

Surname List

I added a feature to the Perl script I use for sharing my family tree online. (I don't really like this Perl script, as it's somewhat unweildy to modify, and it doesn't always display the results I expect-- but oh well!)

Anyway, this new feature displays all the surnames in the tree. Here's a copy and paste from it below. You'll need to email me for a password to get more information on these individuals.

Select a surname from the list below:

"Unknown" | Abrams | Agnew | Aiken | Albertson | Allen | Allport | Alton | Anderson | Ann | Ansley | Arnold | Asselstine | Avehousen | Ayling | Babbit | Babcock | Babcook | Badour | Baker | Barringer | Bartram | Bauder | Beate | Beckwith | Beebe | Begley | Bell | Bennett | Benson | Benstead | Bentley | Bicknell | Bilodeau | Birney | Bishop | Bishop-Abrams | Black | Blanchard | Bodway | Bolger | Bond | Booth | Boutillier | Bovey | Bowes | Breckenbridge | Bredberg | Brewer | Bridgen | Brooks | Brown | Bruce | Buck | Burdick | Burley | Burnett | Burton | Butler | Campbell | Carlson | Carr | Carter | Casselman | Chaplan | Christie | Chrysler | Cifala | Clark | Clow | Colburn | Condie | Conlin | Corneil | Cornwall | Coulter | Cox | Craig | Crapo | Crawford | Cronk | DaSilva | Dafoe | Darking | Darling | Davis | Daw | Day | Del-Mei | Demerchant | Desrochers | Devana | Diamond | Dowdall | Duffy | Duffy Smith | Dunn | Dunton | Dwyer | Easter | Ellerbeck | Elliott | Elvidge | Emmon | Evans | Ferguson | Ferris | Fleming | Ford | Forrest | Forsyth | Foster | Freeman | Friel | Funk | Gallagher | Gard | Garret | Garrett | Gazzel | Gemill | Goodfriend | Gordanier | Gordon | Gordonier | Graham | Gratto | Graves | Green | Greenstreet | Gregg | Grems | Grice | Griffin | Guittard | Guthrie | Hagerman | Halliday | Hamilton | Hanley | Harkness | Harpell | Harris | Hart | Hatt | Hawkins | Hayes | Heinricks | Helms | Henry | Highland | Highland / Hyland | Himple | Holmes | Holtz | Hoppins | Howey | Hunter | Hyland | Ilan | Jackson | Jeffrey | Jenkins | Johnson | Jones | Joyce | Joynt | Karn | Keeley | Keller | Kemp | Kenahan | Kiesel | Kilpatrick | King | Knapp | Krahermharn | Kyle | LaPlante | Lake | Lamour | Lanuza | Latimer | Lattimore | Lawson | LeBlanc | LeHeup | Leavens | Lech | Lee | Leeman | Lees | Lewis | Linau | Lindsay | Locey | Loewen | Lord | Loucks / Sedore | Lovelace | Loveless | Lowe | Lubiniv | Lyon | MacLeod | MacPhail | Major | Makem | Mandoles | Mann | Marie | Marriott | Martin | Massa | Matthew | May | McClenaghan | McCollough | McCullan | McGuire | McKeigan | McKinley | McKinnley | McNaughton | McPhail | McQuarrie/McImrie | Mcleods | Melo | Merry | Millar | Miller | Milsap | Morrow | Morton | Mulholland | Mullin | Mullins | Murray | Mutton | Nadeau | Nesbitt | Neudorf | Neufeld | Niblock | Northmore | O'Flaherty | O'neil | O'neill | Orr | Orser | Page | Passenessi | Peer | Pero | Perry | Peters | Phillips | Pocock | Poudrier | Powley | Pratt | Prosser | Pullen | Purdy | Raymond | Regan | Reid | Revell | Richardson | Ridge | Riley | Rindone | Rixten | Robidoux | Robinson | Rodeghiero | Rogers | Rollar | Ross | Ruttan | Rutter | Sands | Savage | Sawatzky | Schneider | Scott | Shales | Shannon | Sheen | Shepherd | Shier | Shirrock | Silver | Simpson | Sinclair | Sith | Sloot | Smith | Snider | Snook | Spafford | Spooner | Stantliff | Steel | Stephenson | Stitt | Stubbs | Sturdevant | Sutherland | Switzer | Teal | Teichroeb | Thompson | Thorp | Timmerman | Townsend | Tuepah | Van Camp | Van Hoek | Van Leuvan | Van Voorst | VanOrden | Vancoughnut | Vanluven | Vassal | Veley | Votery | Wagner | Wakely | Walker | Walls | Walters | Wartman | Watkins | Watts | Webster | Welch | Welsh | Whan | White | Wilson | Winslow | Winters | Wiseman | Woodcock | Woodward | Wowk | Wright | Wylie | Yeomans | Yeomans Arnold | Young | Zacharias | campbell | hutchinson | jones | macDonnell | Van der Kraats |


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