My Journal and Diary
Sunday, May 11th, 2003
Major Yard Word
Wow, what a great day! Not only did I plow through a lot of email, but I actually got outside!Thats right, I got out and did some MAJOR YARD WORK. I borrowed a truck from John Harvey, picked up a yard of top soil, then spread it all around the rocks under that big pine tree in my front yard. I fashioned a nice rock garden with all kinds of ground cover perennials, and spread out grass seed on it. I fixed the broken pipe (it burst last winter) for the hose and watered, I planted more perennials (I think I'm spelling that wrong!) in the big front bed, and cut the grass. I spread the remaining top soil around in the back yard, and that's ready for grass seed now! This was a great day.
The embarrassing thing is I even washed down my driveway. I used to mock old guys who wash down their driveway, but now that I actually own my own driveway, it's quite fullfilling. It's like watching my computer defrag... all those little boxes lining up. I love watching the dirt and debris wash down to the curb.
Great day.
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