My Journal and Diary
Friday, November 9th, 2018
Our Response to Bounty

One thing I love about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the God of Moses, David, Jesus, and me, is that he doesn't seem to mind our calling out to him in confusion and even anger.
For example, the first sentence of this Psalm: “How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever?” Obviously God will not forget us, but sometimes from our perspective it sure seems like he's moved on and left us in our pain and despair!
There's a taboo among many God-people that we shouldn't complain to God, and somehow just keep a faith that never questions or loses hope. Yet this is not how the great heroes of the Bible behaved!
Somehow they're credited with great faith because they demonstrated this anger, and this weakness!
It sure seems like God would rather we were real with him, than that we were super-spiritual and artificially confident. Faith is like hope- we hold on to it for all its worth, but it doesn't mean we don't doubt!
When our enemies rejoice in our bad circumstances, and when we are fighting sorrow and pain in our soul all day long, go get on your knees, and tell God how he's let you down! And then, like David in this Psalm, remember how God has dealt bountifully with you in the past, and worship him!