My Journal and Diary
Saturday, April 9th, 2005
I'll Be Buff - - maybe someday
Wow. I'm feeling pretty happy with myself. I've rode my bike to work everyday for the last three days.
It's not that I'm on some fitness kick, like Christie, and want to compete in races or something like that.
It's not because I want to lose weight-- though that's necessary and it's a good enough reason right there.
It's only because gas is so freakin' expensive. I figure I can ride my bike. Anyway, it's good for the environment, right? And my legs. (Though I did make an observation riding home the other night that my belly hangs over my belt while I ride and doesn't seem to be benefiting from any arobic effects.)
I do love being outside. Fresh Wind slips down in my lungs and stretches his arms out. I feel larger inside than outside. I actually have a clearer head, I think, though that may just be Fresh Wind whistling through my brain cavity.
So it's 20 kilometers a day, ten each way. And it's downhill all the way to the church and so I can make it in 25 minutes if I hustle. It's uphill all the way back and I'm still somehow chiseling out 22 minutes for that jaunt. Or I enter some kind of time vortex. Haven't figured that one out. How can it take so much less time to come back?
Maybe it's the psychological, I'm Going Home! effect. Or maybe it's not really down hill to get here-- maybe that's the optical illusion.
Update: Still going strong-- six days now! That's a total of 120 Km! Whuh. Actually, 110, 'cause Joanne gave me a lift downtown one day. I biked back.
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