Friday, December 14th, 2018
Hiding in His Refuge

The first line of Psalm 7 is "O Lord my God, in you I take refuge;"
As I've mentioned a few times in my devotionals, I like the word “refuge.” It evokes an image in my mind of a truly safe place, perhaps a secure fortress, or a secret hideaway; maybe a cabin in the woods where nobody can find me; a place I can feel completely confident and secure.
When you hear the word, refuge, what comes to your mind?
Now, take that idea of refuge, and connect it to our Father in heaven. He is your hiding place, your tower, your cabin in the woods, your unshakable “rock.”
The writer of this Psalm is being faced with some sort of persecution and accusation. He says, “If I have done this...” but doesn't specify what it is he's accused of. In fact, he is so confident in his righteousness, that he asks God to look closely at his life, to see that there is no reason for blame. He can't recall ever having done anything wrong. He says he hasn't repaid evil with evil, nor has he hurt his foe in any way. He's willing to put it all on the line, asking God to trample his life to the dust if he's wrong in his indignation.
Wow! That's brave.
I suspect that we have each been in that place, calling out to God. I can think of times where I have lain awake at night, worrying about a situation I find myself in. I am tossing and turning in my bed, because of a careless word, or a flared temper, or a broken relationship. And sometimes I don't even understand what I've done.
Not one of us can ever say that we are completely innocent; at least, not without acknowledging our Saviour's own blood, which covers all of our sin.
And that's the key to surviving such torment! When we're sleepless and full of grief, consumed by our own failures, we should remember His grace, and we should trust God to do what is right, in and through our lives. Be brave and confident, and take refuge in his safety!
Are you willing to throw yourself on his mercy? Is he truly a refuge from fear and guilt for you?