Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Tuesday, May 4th, 2004

What To Do With a Pocket PC

I am always interested when people describe what they use their computers for-- the software they use, the purposes they serve. I thought it might be fun to outline some of my pocket PC uses, and perhaps make some of the software available here for people who can't find it on the 'net anymore.

BibleReader - This is a no-brainer. I like to carry a couple of translations around for comparison, specifically Todays English Version, and The Message. I used to carry the Greek around too, but gave up on that.

Calendar - I put all my appointments in here, with fifteen minute reminders. My PPC beeps at me when I forget, and 15 minutes is just enough time to get most places...

Contacts - Emails, phone numbers, directions to homes, and stuff like that.

Notes - Odd scriblings that don't fit elsewhere. Lyrics to songs I write, journal entries, ideas, doodles...

Tasks - This is the most important part of my organizing. When there's something I've got to do, I put it in here. I check this list multiple times of day to be sure I can't procrastinate on an item any longer.

GPS - This is 'yet to come', as I've just bought a GPS over the Internet and it hasn't arrived yet. I hope to do GeoCacheing with it; going on hikes with the family to discover hidden treasure.

Handstory - Handstory is a simple little text viewer, and nothing spectacular in itself-- except for the desktop extension. When browsing, I can highlight text, right click, and then choose 'copy to pocket pc.' Instantly the text is downloaded to my PPC and ready to go. Or, I can select text and copy it, then click on the Handstory tray icon near my clock to do the same thing. Neat eh?

Notepad - I use notepad to Journal in my own language.

Passman - This is where I keep all my passwords for the various sites, software, etc. that I use. One place to keep em means I don't lose them... I HOPE!

PocketStreets - This is funny. Pay attenion now, this is complex. Microsoft used to give away this software for free, version 1.0 or something. It was the MAPS you had to pay for, and so it wasn't much use on it's own. Well, recently they reversed it. Now the maps are free, and you have to pay for the software. Only the new free maps don't work on the old free software... unless! Unless you happen to have a slick little conversion program which changes ONE BIT in the maps to make it readable on the PPC. So I have free maps and free software. The only thing is, I want the functionality in the new program, so I'll likely buy it eventually.

Reader - I only read Ebooks, which really annoys just about everybody I run into who like to read. They like books. They say they like the smell of them, the texture, the experience. I like the fact that I have half-a-dozen books at my fingertips at any given time. Currently Wuthering Heights, Dracula, and The Importance of Being Ernest are in my to read list.

CedeFTP and FTPView - These two programs are both on my PPC because I can't decide which one I like better. They're both FTP clients for connecting to the church or my home networks over the Internet.

FTP Server - This is for turning my little PPC into a server so I can grab files off of it when it's on the Internet. I never use it, so this is more of a novelty item.

Inbox - My mail application for sending an checking Internet mail, or syncing up with office mail through the cradle.

Internet Explorer - Guess?

Messenger - This is a chat application which I hardly ever use because I hate being... excuse me?... interrupted.

PocketFeed - Lets me grab RSS news feeds from friends blogs etc., and read them from the pocket pc. I have to be online to sync up.

RSS Viewer - Lets me grab RSS news feeds through ActiveSync, and read them at my convenience.

TCP/IP Address - A little app so I know what my IP address is.

Mobile Painting - Omm, for painting. Amazing program and you can do just about anything apparently. I'm not so good yet, but I like the program kinda.

Pictures - I can view a slideshow of all my sweeties, zoom in, crop, rotate, read my digital camera, etc. with this cool little program. It came with the Dell Axim X5.

Playlist Editor - For editing playlists.

Pocket MVP - I love this. I sometimes don't get to watch a rented DVD with the family, so I'll rip it, and send it to the pocket PC as a DIVX, then watch it bit by bit 10 minutes at a time over the next month!

Windows Media - MP3s, AVIs, and WMAs.

Pocket Excel - I keep track of mileage for work using a spreadsheet, then sync up and print it.

Pocket Word - Don't use it a lot, but handwriting recognition in this program is killer.

PocketMoney - Don't use it, got it free when I bought my folding keyboard.

SprintDB Pro - This is INCREDIBLE. This is easily the best piece of pocket PC software I've even owned. It's basically a little pocket Access database with it's own kind of programming basic. I am still learning but it seems there is no limit to what you can do with this program.

ActiveSync - Just lets you sync up with your desktop computer.

AvantGo - For grabbing web pages while you're in the cradle, so you can read them anywhere.

dotPocket - I like this program, but it's just expired and I haven't bought it yet. dotPocket lets you change the width and height dimensions of your pocket pc, then control it from your desktop. Basically, your pocket PC becomes your desktop, so that your mouse and keyboard interact with it. It's great.

ezyUnZIP - For zipping and unzipping files. Great if I download something while surfing with the pocket pc, and want to view or install it.

PHM Registry Editor - For hacking your registry. Don't use it much.

Reminders - The 2003 Pocket PC doesn't keep beeping if you don't respond right away. I guess it's trying to save batteries, but I like to be able to have it repeat the alarm until I hear it, so this program restores that feature.

vxUtilities - Network stuff like ping, finger, etc.

Rotating Playlist - When I sync up in the cradle, my 128 MB SD Ram card fills up with new mp3s from my music collection. I've always got new tunes to listen to!

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