My Journal and Diary
Friday, June 7th, 2019
Is God Even Listening?

Is God even paying attention?
I mean, look at what happens under God's very nose: the poor are persecuted, the helpless are ambushed, the innocent are killed! The wicked person brazenly does whatever they want, and essentially, they taunt God.
If God is watching, how can he let these things happen?
I'm not being heretical here; these are the thoughts from the writer of Psalm 10. He says it's like God is hiding in times of trouble.
Harsh words. Does it make you feel uneasy when someone puts doubt into words? For a lot of people, thinking such things is a lack of faith.
I believe that it takes MORE faith to acknowledge doubt and continue to believe, than it does to ignore nagging uncertainty and pretend your faith is unshakeable. How will you know it's unshakeable if you don't put it to the test?
Throughout this Psalm, the writer seems to complain of the evildoers but also the God who doesn't seem to be noticing. It's not a question of whether the psalmist has faith or not, because in the end, he expresses confidence in God's judgement.
He chooses to believe that God will hear, and that God will do right for the helpless. He chooses to believe that God will continue to act the way he has in history. He acknowledges that the LORD is truly King forever, and in the end, he will see justice is done.
Do you agree?