My Journal and Diary
Sunday, November 29th, 2020
Clap and Shout? That's Good News!

Do you know the first line of Psalm 47? It's a call for everyone to clap their hands and shout!
Sadly, that might not go over well in some churches I've visited! But why not? Why would we be commanded to clap and shout?
The lyricist of this song thinks it completely appropriate — even necessary — to clap and shout for the coronation of the King of all kings. He goes on to describe God in terms of royal metaphors. Words like most high, awesome, great king, subdue, nations, trumpet, throne, and princes all contribute to this idea of imperial majesty, and regal ruler.
Historically, Psalm 47 has been used by Christians on Ascension Day. Probably the reference to God going up with a shout fits well with Jesus being "lifted up" before the disciples in Acts chapter one. However, I like the insight I found from one theologian (John Luther Mays), who pointed out that Jesus regularly stated his purpose on the earth to announce the kingdom of God! “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15 NIV)
And what is this good news? It's Jesus himself! When asked, he said he was coming “to bring good news to the poor, … to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free.” (Luke 4:18, NRSV).
Jesus interrupted the depressing timeline of history, by lifting up the marginalized and the oppressed in this world, by giving voice the voiceless, and hope to the hopeless. Jesus has become "Immanuel," which means God with us. Receive Him, for he is the source of all love, joy, peace, and hope!
So let us turn and face the future, trusting that the world will soon see the glory of God shining from the face of Christ.