My Journal and Diary
Saturday, January 16th, 2021
No Hiding

One of the most challenging aspects of life on this planet earth, is loneliness. I can be in a crowd of people, even laughing with my friends, yet sense a nagging isolation in my heart. I want to be known intimately, even though such vulnerability can terrify me. I want to be understood, even though I do not understand myself. I want to be celebrated for who I am, despite the tendency to berate myself for my failings and shortcomings.
I know you can relate! It's the one desire we all share — the one longing we all have; to be known truly, and deeply.
Yes, intimacy can be threatening. So we get good at hiding our true selves from others — perhaps even from ourselves. It's scary to be seen plainly and purely, to have our best shielding and strongest defence mechanisms rendered ineffective, and yet we all secretly want it.
Isn't it wonderful that we can never erect a defence against God's love? As the Psalm says today, "O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit, and when I rise; you discern my thoughts, and watch over me all day!"
He sees into us completely. He sees through us entirely. He knows our shame, He knows our joy, He KNOWS us. And still, he loves us. His love isn't dependent on getting our act together. His love isn't conditional on our response, or our success, or even on our behaviour.
So let's run to Him! Let's give ourselves to Him!