My Journal and Diary
Saturday, January 30th, 2021
Heart Matters

It's kind of perfect for me, a Psalm about guarding one's mouth. I have a tendency to say things I shouldn't. I often blurt out arrogant judgements of other people, and I don't always watch what I say. Like David, I need to call out to the Lord, that He would set a guard at my mouth, and keep watch over the door of my lips.
While I take consolation that beloved King David prayed about the same struggles that I face, there may be something else important to note: this prayer shows that David was more concerned about the evil lurking within his heart, than he was about the evil evident in others.
It's so important to look at ourselves honestly, and to take steps to address the weakness in our character. It can be humiliating to admit our inadequacy, embarrassing to confess our deceit. But like David, we should value inner consistency. David didn’t want the same mouth that offered "prayers like incense," to then be used for lies, or "any evil thing."
In his humble honesty, David welcomed correction. He saw the chastisement of an upright person as better than the blessing of an evil person! He also knew that he would be faced with temptation — he referred to these as the delicacies offered by evildoers — and prays for escape from such seduction.
Oh Lord, we pray you will protect us from the allurement which this world promises. We ask you to reveal the parts of ourselves that we have not yet offered to you. May we guard our tongues, address the evil in ourselves, and seek refuge in you.
Help us to turn our eyes toward your ways, we pray, in Jesus' name.