My Journal and Diary
Saturday, February 6th, 2021
Turn Tail and Run

In Psalm 60, David describes his experience of defeat, after retreating from battle. I sense a strong discouragement as he sings of his failure against the enemies of Israel. "O God, you have rejected us," he sings, and later, "Have you not rejected us? You do not go out with our armies."
Despite such disappointment, David does not question God's ability to save! It doesn't appear as if he even questions God's love. "Answer us, so that those whom you love may be rescued," he sings! He recalls God's promises to help give victory to Israel. He pictures the way God will divide up these opposing countries and subdue them in their arrogance.
When God seems to abandon me on my battlefields, do I come before Him with the same faith? Do I believe He loves me, or begin to suspect his character? Do I recall His promises, or doubt his goodness?
Most of us decide to take things into our own hands, by manipulation, scheming, or politics. But not David! He writes, "Human help is worthless, but with God we shall go bravely! It is HE who will tread down our foes."
On what front are you facing an enemy? What battle have you lost, to which you should bring the weapon of faith?
O God, help us stand against the foe.