Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Thursday, September 1st, 2016

The Crumbling Foundations


It was about 1914.

My grandfather, Earl Abrams, was six months old when his father was killed in the old Lacey mine, north of Sydenham. His mother moved in with her brother and sister, but died shortly thereafter, from the Spanish Influenza of 1918. He and his sister were now alone in this world.

This video is of that property.

There's not much to see-- the structure that is still standing is of the hen-house. In the sixties, the house burned to the ground with my grandfather's aunt still inside. She had left a note in the mailbox that the house was on fire, and for the post-man to send help.

We are such frail and temporary creatures. We lay foundations, only to have them be destroyed. And God, in his holy temple sees all of humankind, and the upright will someday see his face.