My Journal and Diary
Saturday, February 20th, 2021
Open Up, You Ancient Doors

Behind the tapestry there is a weaver, behind the clock there is a maker, and behind this beautiful and terrible world is a God who has made all that we see, all that we feel, all that we know. Behind the curtain is the One who made even what we can't see, and won't feel, and may never know.
The great Creator has crafted a world which is full of both beauty and terror, pleasure and pain. Like a fellowship of adventurers, we must make our way through these forests of fear, following the path he's marked for us, which lead to the ancient doors of the Promised Land.
No being on earth is suited to this quest.
We desire God's blessing, we seek vindication against those who would malign us. But not one of us have the pure heart and guiltless hands needed to ascend the mountain of holiness. We stand at the gates, and may not enter in. Though we call out various passwords and enchantments, only One may enter.
The gates watch, like ancient sentinels for the True King, who in his sacrificial demeanor, and humble authority, whispers a command. The Lord, strong and mighty will enter these ancient doors, and we will follow Him into His glory. All the hosts of heaven are with him in his power and majesty, and we will join together in a victorious song, and ultimate battle against the evil forces of darkness.
Lift up your heads, O gates! Be lifted up, O ancient doors!
That the King of glory may come in.