My Journal and Diary
Saturday, March 13th, 2021
The King of Kings Promise

Reading through Psalm 89, one may begin to wonder why God didn't seem to keep his promises to David. For example, David was told that he would be made the firstborn, and that he would become the highest king of earth. Obviously David was the youngest of his own family, and never the firstborn. Also, during his reign, there were many other kings from greater empires.
Are these discrepancies meant to draw our attention to someone else? Who do we know of as the King of kings? Who else can we recognize as being from David's line, and who rules over all things? Nobody fits that description better than Jesus Christ, David's own descendant.
In a sense, our offspring and descendants are a continuation of our own lives. Though our time on this earth is short, many of us hope that our children, and our children's children will do many great things! We may imagine our progeny contributing to a better world. What greater blessing could God possibly bestow on David, than to make his own offspring into the King of earth and the King of heaven?
Though this song doesn't include verses three and four, in those, God promises to David that, “‘Your seed I will establish forever, And build up your throne to all generations.’” Truly, through Jesus, David's line is now established forever, and his throne is as long as the heavens! That's a promise kept!
Like David, I try to seek God with all of my heart, and I want to please him in everything I do. Though I may face struggles, I can trust God to keep his promises to me, for he is faithful!
If you're facing hardship and doubt, be confident! God's steadfast love will never end! He will keep his promises, and protect his faithful followers. Let's trust Him!