My Journal and Diary
Saturday, March 27th, 2021
Sorry, Not Sorry

After reciting a long list of complaints and discomforts, persecutions and abuses, how many of us can truthfully say to God, "But I trust in you."
I once heard the well-known television host, Dr. Phil, say something that has forever stuck with me. He said that when we interject a "but," into a sentence, we're really telling the listener to ignore everything else we said before that word. For example, "I'm really sorry, BUT..." or "I really like you, BUT..." or "I enjoyed that meal, BUT..." It reminds me of the saying, "Sorry, not sorry."
My point is not whether or not this is always true. Rather, in this portion of Psalm 31, note how the psalmist hinges his difficulties on the word "but." I think he is making a special effort to stress his dependence on God, despite terrible misery and adversity. It's like he's telling God, none of my complaining is that important to me. What I really want you to know, is that I trust you.
This could be a pattern for all of us! We don't need to pretend that everything is fine. God doesn't expect us to hold a stiff upper lip, nor an artificial smile. We don't need to carry on in a fake manner, while our life is crashing down upon us! Rather, we need to hinge our attitude on trust: God is good, and everything is in His hands.
I suspect that even when we don't feel particularly confident in God's protection, by just reminding ourselves in word and song, "but I trust in You," we can anchor ourselves in hope. Our face will shine with His glory, and He will save us in his faithful love.