Saturday, April 3rd, 2021
Own It

Have you ever seen videos from the YouTube channel, Living Waters? In these clips, an Australian named Ray Comfort interviews people on the street. He asks them whether or not they believe in God; if they think they're good people; and ultimately, where they'll spend eternity.
In many of these encounters, men and women confidently assert that they are essentially, good people. They're certain that God will accept them just the way they are.
Then Ray asks them about the ten commandments. He invites them to consider whether or not they have ever lied, or stolen, or used God's name in vain. He asks them to recall if they have lusted sexually, or always have honoured their mothers and fathers. As he carefully walks them through these self reflections, I perceive a change in their facial expressions. Something comes over them, as if they suddenly realize they're not as innocent as they had been telling themselves.
It's very moving to see into their hearts: watching their eyes widen slightly, their shoulders stiffen, their movements suddenly very still, or the corners of their mouths tighten. I feel as though I am having a spiritual moment, as the Holy Spirit exposes to them, the darkness of their own hearts. It's beautiful to watch these cavalier individuals humble themselves, and lovely to see them accept their need for God's mercy and grace.
In Psalm 51, we peer through such a window into King David's own heart. Rather than erect a system of self-justification, he humbly makes a very personal confession. He owns his sin.
You may not recall the circumstances of David's moral failure, but he penned these lines after the prophet Nathan confronted him. David had seen a beautiful woman from afar, lusted after her, found out she was married, and yet took her to his own bed. When she became pregnant, David tried to cover up his wrong doing, and ultimately had her husband murdered.
Though your sin may seem minor in comparison to David's, it is just as detestable to God. And like David, it is critical that you open up your heart, and own your sin. Confess. Without that repenting, you will be like David, miserable in your state of unconfession.
Many of us grieve over the consequences we face when we sin. But how many grieve over the sin itself, as David did? As it says in verse 17, "The sacrifice acceptable to God is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise."
Lord, give us hearts that beat in unison with Yours.