My Journal and Diary
Saturday, April 2nd, 2022
Show and Tell

When I have been camping in the wilderness, and need to make a small trip late at night, a problem sometimes presents itself. Somehow, without the benefit of electric lighting, I must unzip the tent, and then make my way across strange ground. In these instances, colliding with a tree, or tripping over a fallen log are the dangers most often on my mind.
But as I read Psalm 40, I get a window into the types of obstacles which King David might have encountered on his blind travels: the desolate pit, and the miry bog. These are vivid images which perfectly compare walking with living.
We've discussed some of David's missteps before, and here we see him full of thanks for God's mercy, and newly equipped with a song of praise. He recognizes that God is the one who rescues him, and he is driven to tell the world.
In my opinion, these are exactly the right responses. First, we praise, and second, we tell.
In order for us to do either of those two things, however, we must first reflect. How has God guarded your steps? Perhaps you can look back and see His straightening of your path at a time when you were lost, and walking the wrong way? Maybe you didn't cry out for help until you'd already stumbled, and in His mercy he reached down and helped you back to your feet?
These are just two examples, but each of us have our own stories. I encourage you to call them to mind, and give God your praise for his faithful leading.
And, like David, do not stop there. Tell of his wonderful deeds. When we tell others, we lead them away from their false gods, their misplaced trust, and we direct them into the arms of Jesus.
Here I am, Lord. I delight to do your will! Help me to not hide your saving help within my heart, but rather to speak of your faithfulness and your salvation before the whole world.