Jason Silver

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My Journal and Diary



Saturday, December 24th, 2016

The Nativity of Poverty

It’s Christmas! It’s finally here! The day many look forward to for so long! A time to gather and celebrate... To celebrate what? If you don’t have a good relationship with family, and you don’t have money to buy fancy presents or good food, then what’s Christmas for?

Yes, we all know the answer. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t ask the question. What is Christmas all about, really?

I think about money way too much. I can’t seem to help myself. I worry about the taxes I have to pay, I stress about filling that oil tank. My mind can be preoccupied with the cost of gasoline, the price of a bag of apples. I wish I had just a little bit more, to go on that vacation, or upgrade my toys. Or to spend on those I love. Who can relate?

If you’ve been to the mall lately, you might have had an experience like our family’s last week. “Buy buy buy! Spend, spend, spend! Upgrade!”

We’re all tired of it, I know. The marketing, the commercialism, the appeal to our bass desires and selfish wants. But it’s the culture we live in! What can we do?

When I think about the way money has become the god of our society, I understand why Jesus talked about it so much. Did you know that he talked about money more than he talked about love? Even if we combine the times he talked about heaven and hell, he still talked more about money! The one thing that got more attention from Jesus was the Kingdom of God. And when he talks about the Kingdom of God along with the topic of money, it’s to say that those with money aren’t likely to find the kingdom!

I’m good at deflecting. It’s not hard for me to say, well, I don’t have a lot of money, so it doesn’t apply to me. Money’s not my god.

Then why is it on my mind so much? “How hard it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

I like to think that Jesus started his ministry much earlier than we typically say. He gathered his disciples at about thirty years old, yes, but I think he was preaching from that manger: he was telling us that he came for the poor.

He was born poor… sleeping in a manger, in a drafty barn, the smell of animals around. If Joseph had a wad of cash in his pocket, he would have been able to find Mary a bed. Money talks.

Instead of gathering judges, and lawyers, and doctors to give him praise, God sent the poorest in society. Shepherds may have a romantic job, sleeping out under the stars, but in reality it was a career for the unskilled. These were not wealthy men.

Jesus taught us that we cannot trust our instincts on a topic. He flips things upside down. If we think wealth is a sign of blessing, Jesus says it’s hampering us from experiencing the kingdom.

He came for the poor, they were his audience, they were his natal court. They were his parents, they were his disciples, they were his first followers. The poor were the focus of many of his words, words that connected being poor with having access to the kingdom of God.

If you’ve got nothing to complain about this Christmas, if you’ve got family and money, and lots of food, and presents under the tree, remember that God has been good to you! You’ve been fortunate, and you’ve been put in a position to bless others! Don’t feel guilty! Thank God! And don’t hold too tightly to what came from him anyway. Consider ways to give it away!

But if you’re hurting, if you are disconnected from those you love, if you’re alone, if you’re poor, if you're without means then I want to tell you that Christmas is for you. It’s not about upgrading! It’s not about malls and glitz and nostalgia. Christmas is about hope in a saviour! Christmas is for celebrating the birth of one who would bring us peace! This is a message for those who need a message.

If your hurting heart needs help and hope, here’s a message for you. This saviour came for the poor, and tonight you are joining the shepherds around that manger!

For a child has been born for us,
a son given to us;
authority rests upon his shoulders;
and he is named
Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
His authority shall grow continually,
and there shall be endless peace
for the throne of David and his kingdom.
He will establish and uphold it
with justice and with righteousness
from this time onwards and for evermore.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.

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