My Journal and Diary
Saturday, June 26th, 2021
In His Hands

When you are facing troubles in your life, when you're stressed out, or if people seem to be against you, where do you go for help?
Some people go to friends. Some others might try do build up their own defences, creating protective walls to keep people out. Still Others retreat to addictive behaviours. I know I tend to sleep when I'm confronted with difficult and challenging situations.
In this Psalm, David is hiding from King Saul, deep within a cave. Saul, in his fits of jealousy, seeks to destroy the young David. Based on outward appearances, it seems like the cave has become his refuge. But that's not what David says! He calls God his refuge! Cave or not, David is safe in the hands of God! Though the metaphorical lions are waiting to devour him, he cries out to God for mercy, and plainly states that his trust is in God's saving power.
What lesson can we take from this? How can we use David's experiences as a template for our own faith? I see two strategies here.
First, when we're afraid, worried, overwhelmed, depressed, challenged, or tormented we can begin to think differently about safety. Rather than look to our own power and strength, or trust in the "cave" that seems to be shielding us - whatever that might be - what would happen if we thought of God as our protector? Not a backup plan, but a first-defence?
Second, David stated his trust in God's ability to save him; he rested in God's unshakable love and faithfulness, but he also expressed his love, praise, worship, and thanksgiving to God. He doesn't just ask for mercy, he immediately thanks God for providing it!
In my opinion, there are far more reasons to worship than there are to worry. So much of our stress will drain away, if only we change what we are focusing on. So let's turn our attention to God and to his steadfast, loyal love!