My Journal and Diary
Monday, August 2nd, 2021

In Psalm 64, as David voices his complaints to God, listing the destructive deeds of his political and personal enemies, I'm reminded of how unfair and harsh this world can be. Sorrow grips us all. The impact of death has been felt by everyone, and there truly are enemies who would tear us down. But, behind them, the real Enemy would love to destroy our faith. He hates us.
He's the one who motivates the secret plots of the wicked, and the scheming of evildoers. He's the one who, as King David writes, encourages wayward people to ambush the blameless, and lay secret snares to entrap us.
But for every bitter-word-arrow, God shoots right back in our defence! Though the evil aim "suddenly, and without fear," David says God will use their very own words to shake them with horror!
What can we take from this? The "turn the other cheek" side of me is hesitant to embrace the idea of God's retribution on my behalf. But it is good news, for we can be confident that he loves and protects us.
God is our rescue. He sees every slight against us, and fights evil that justice be done. Despite our pain and sorrow, we can know that we are not alone. In spite of how things may appear, God will match every suffering with perfect justice.
So, righteous people -- brought to this state by your faith in Jesus' perfect sacrifice -- rejoice in the Lord! Take refuge in Him! For He loves you.