My Journal and Diary
Saturday, August 14th, 2021
Stories Save

Have you ever noticed the way stories seem to pique your interest? For example, a speaker might be droning on in a boring sermon or speech, when suddenly, he interjects a story about the time he did this, or that; or the person who once told him something. It's surprising to me how engaged I become, when I listen to a personal story!
Whatever the reason we share this aptitude, there's an important lesson about telling one's story which is hidden in Psalm 34: you can help draw people to God, and save them from their fears, by telling your story!
David lays out all the reasons for his strength and courage. He describes the grounds for his radiance and joy! He invites people to taste, and see for themselves, to try it on for size, and see that the Lord is good!
David certainly had reasons to fear. Pursued on one side by king Saul, threatened on the other by king Abimelec of Gath, he took to feigning madness, or hiding in caves, always on the run from danger. But throughout his life-journey, David put his faith in God. In this Psalm, he encourages people to try that way of life too! He says, “Come, children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord! Those who seek him, lack no good thing. They have no want. Their faces will never be ashamed. They will be delivered from all of their fears.”
I hope you can see a path to evangelism through David's story. We don't need to hold all the answers, or get into arguments about science and theology. We just have to say, “taste, and see for yourself.”