My Journal and Diary
Saturday, August 21st, 2021
He Is the Lord, Our God

How do we make known God's deeds among the people? And why might it be important for us to do so?
The simple act of telling others about the way God has worked within us can have an amazing impact. We don't need to worry about convincing other people to follow God. We shouldn't stress about having the right words. We needn't plan out a route for them to follow to salvation, nor wonder if we can lead them down the path as they seek God themselves. Rather, we simply tell of how he's worked in our lives. Our simple testimonies about our lives in faith are astounding in their simplicity, and strangely attractive all on their own!
For example, consider the following phrases. Do you see how extraordinary they are in their ordinariness?
"I was so worried about what I'd say to my co-worker, but after praying about it, it was like God just gave me peace. Whatever happens, it's all within his loving oversight."
"It might seem silly, but when I misplaced my wallet, I just said a quick prayer. It was like God led me right to where I left it!"
"I get anxious in social situations, and the only thing that seems to relax me, is to give it to God. I'm still anxious, but somehow He sees me through!"
"As a married couple, we've had our ups and downs, but what's kept us stable through it all is our shared faith in God."
"We usually make decisions as a family, based on what seems more loving to others. We may never be rich in money, but God has provided a more meaningful kind of wealth as a result!"
You will certainly have your own stories to demonstrate the ways you live by faith. Don't underestimate how powerful the simple work of God is in our lives! There is no better pursuit than magnifying the glory of God to all the earth!