My Journal and Diary
Saturday, September 11th, 2021
Therein Lies Peace

Some people, who don't believe in God, are quick to insist that a good and loving creator would not make a world with pain and suffering. Since there is pain and suffering, therefore, God cannot exist.
I can see their point. There does seem to be an awful lot of evil in the world. If I started recounting it now, going over each affliction, discomfort, and misery, I'm sure despair would follow close behind. Why does He permit children to die of cancer? Why is there hunger in the world?
In this dispute, we need to choose a perspective. Shall we recall what God isn't doing, or what God is doing?
The writer of Psalm 136 chooses the latter, and is convinced that everything God does is a result of his never-ending, faithful love.
And so, he makes a list, and concludes each line with the same mantra: His steadfast love endures forever! Beginning with God's goodness and character, he moves through God's supremacy and power, oversight and protection, favour and generosity, concluding with His constant provision. This writer reiterates that every blessing is a consequence of God's boundless love.
As I read this psalm, I find myself concentrating less on the first part of the verse, the “what,” and instead focusing on the “why,” God's love! It truly is the answer to every discussion. It can become the response to all of our worry, all of our prosperity, all of our insight, and even all of our pain: His steadfast love endures forever.
Are you able to adjust your perspective, to open your mind to the idea that all God's actions are motivated by His love? Whether blessing or pain, joy or sorrow, each shall end with the same conclusion: His steadfast love endures forever. And therein lies peace.