My Journal and Diary
Saturday, September 18th, 2021
Are You Known?

There's something about intimacy that is both wonderful, and terrifying! I've heard the word intimacy defined using a cute little catchphrase, a type of explanatory homonym: Into-Me-See.
Can you imagine wanting others to see into you? In a day and age when we are virtually connected to one another, I sense a growing hunger in the people around me for meaningful, tangible connections. Many of us want to invite people to see into us, and we long to know and to be known! Despite this hunger, the fear of having our selfish and hateful parts exposed to others, keeps many of us from connecting in the very ways we desire.
Perhaps a good proving ground for this kind of personal interconnection is to open ourselves to the knowledge and love of God! As it says in Psalm 139, He knows everything about us, and still he loves us! He sees our thoughts, even the evil ones; He knows our motivations and desires, even those which are selfish and destructive; and yet his love stands waiting. He sees us when we're active, he watches us while we sleep. Before we decide how we'll respond, God knows exactly what we'll say. This isn't because he controls us, but because his knowledge of our innermost person is so complete!
I've found that when people are interested in my life, I naturally become interested in theirs! A great way to find a friend is to be a friend! So what are we waiting for? God is pursuing us, and wants us to respond to his love! What a friend we can have in Jesus!
When we open our eyes to His all seeing, never-ending love, we can lower the walls of fear. We cannot hide from Him, so we're mistaken if we think God may discover some evil, unspoken part in us. He already knows everything that's there, and he's ready to take us by the hand and lead us to hope. He's ready to embrace us and hold us tightly in his love!
And that love changes everything!
Dear Lord, see into us, we pray. And give us courage to build intimacy with you too!