My Journal and Diary
Saturday, October 2nd, 2021
See Time Differently

This psalm contrasts God's immortality against our own temporary lives. The psalmist muses on our physical frailties. He says humans are like a dream, or like dust blown by the wind. We are here for such a short time, and then we die and are forgotten by the earth. God, however, has always been here, even before He formed this world, and “the mountains were brought forth!”
Two of my next-door neighbours have died in the past few months. Both of them were young dads with children still in school. Reflecting on the brevity of life, I am brought face-to-face with my own mortality, and I'm reminded to appreciate the blessing of each drawn breath!
Even in the mourning loss we feel, many of us sense an opportunity to reset. We're gifted with a fresh perspective. We may decide to live our life in a more enthusiastic way. Not only that, but we may stop procrastinating, and adjust our focus to the people we love, or to making a difference in the world, instead of being preoccupied with the tyranny of the urgent.
In other words, we see time differently.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, “We have eternity in our hearts.” I think this means that there is something inside us, like an innate fingerprint, or a legacy from heaven itself, which hungers for never-ending life. When we see time differently, perhaps we are waking up to who we really are! Perhaps we are coming closer to seeing time the way God sees it.
In this light, can we view the curse of death as a path to restoration? After all, it helps us to realize what is really important in life. Spiritually, we have echoes of God's lasting love imprinted on our hearts. We are not really of this world. We belong somewhere else! Furthermore, we have a mission to stop procrastinating and to make adjustments, so that our focus is love. Then we can make a difference in the world!
Through it all, God is God, from everlasting to everlasting! I pray that our lives will reflect our changed hearts!