My Journal and Diary
Saturday, October 30th, 2021

When my boys were young, about four and ten, we went on a long walk up the Escarpment Rail Trail in Hamilton, Ontario. Joanne dropped us off at the bottom, and agreed to pick us up at the end. This former railroad is a six kilometre climb up the side of the Niagara Escarpment, but I don't think I fully realized that the distance and climb compounded the effort — especially for little kids!
We were only about halfway along, when our legs began to complain. I carried my youngest on my shoulders periodically, but we needed another strategy to get our mind off our achy muscles.
To help make the time pass, we started chanting a little singing game: “My feet hurt — I see a rock! My feet hurt — I see a tree! My feet hurt — I see a crow!” Each of us took turns naming different things we saw along the way, and weren't allowed to name the same thing twice.
Psalm 128 is one of the Songs of Ascent, and it is meant to be sung by travellers as they climb their way to Jerusalem. Three times a year, worshippers would visit the temple in order to celebrate the feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. As they journey, they would sing of how blessed it is to walk in the way of the Lord!
You'd expect the lyrics to recount the story of Passover, when God rescued his people from the tyranny of Egypt, or maybe some other tale from the other two feasts. Instead, worshippers are directed to consider how their faithful devotion leads to blessing! The examples of blessing used in this Psalm are just the beginning of how God rewards those who walk in His ways!
As we tire on our travels through life, can we keep our mind on the simple blessings God so richly provides? Yes, it often seems like a steep upward climb, but what if I recognize the blessings God has given me as a reward for my faithfulness as a follower?
The Lord bless you! May you see prosperity all the days of your life!