My Journal and Diary
Saturday, November 6th, 2021
I Thank

Giving thanks is such an important aspect of living life. We all know it intuitively, but yet somehow struggle with regularly doing it.
Out of curiosity, I did a quick web search on the benefits of gratitude. I was surprised to learn that you don't need to be religious to recognize its importance! There are measurable mental benefits, which you can read all about on a number of medical websites: from a healthier heart, to decreased depression, increased happiness, strength in adversity... the list goes on and on!
From the WebMD site:
"Gratitude is a feeling that might come to you spontaneously, but it's also a daily practice that you can cultivate. Choosing to count your blessings and taking the time to be grateful for good things in your life can have far-reaching positive effects."
This article also recommends saying Grace before your meals, even if you don't believe in God! At some point I hope they realize how ironic this is.
In any case, we all have much to be grateful for: if not our health, our families, or a warm place to sleep, we can at least thank God for life itself! We can thank God for the air we breathe, the water which satisfies our thirst, the warm sun on our faces, or a cool breeze on our neck.
Life is full of beauty, and we can be thankful for the way we feel when we see a child playing, or the flood of emotions we experience as we watch the sunrise.
I pray that as you become more grateful for these blessings from God, you'll experience Him in a greater way, and enter into true worship!