My Journal and Diary
Saturday, November 13th, 2021
Foolish Wisdom

“Fools say in their hearts, ‘There is no God.’” I've been considering this first line of Psalm 53 lately, to understand what it really means. It could certainly be taken as offensive, and it might even be a little unclear. For example, are we to understand it to say that if one does not believe in God, this makes her a fool? Or is it telling us that a fool will not believe in God?
I have known foolish people who believe in God, and I've also known atheists who don't seem foolish. Many of this latter group are genuinely trying to live a delusion-free life. They feel like they are being more honest and truthful than the rest of us, since they are putting away superstition and facing the meaninglessness we see described in Ecclesiastes. To their credit, they are at least pursuing integrity!
So how might it be understood that foolishness and godlessness go hand in hand?
Let's pause here, and consider the ancient Jewish people. They often failed in their pursuit of God, and so He would send prophets to direct them. These prophets would affirm that God doesn't want sacrificial animals nor blood on the altar, as much as he wants justice to the overlooked, the poor, and the needy. His way is the way of love!
When we really know God, we begin to see how important love is to Him. It's how He defines himself! He represents all that is true, fair, kind, gentle, just, and perfect.
Considering this, who better to believe in when building an infrastructure of wisdom, than the source of all love? You might say that by turning one's back on this loving Source of justice, one reveals a heart focused on hateful destruction.
It's still harsh, but for what other reason would you reject the ideal Archetype of truth?
Oh, Lord, let us be wise in understanding, and may we please you as we seek to emulate your ideals in the world!