Jason Silver

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My Journal and Diary



Saturday, November 20th, 2021

Salvation from Ourselves

YouTube video cover for My Soul Shall Rejoice
 My Soul Shall Rejoice

In Psalm 35, David asks the Lord to give his enemies a little bit of what they've been giving him. He urges God to reveal the true character of these malicious people; to humble them, to shame them, to give them a taste of their own medicine! He asks God to come to his defence and to actually be his salvation; to save him!

When I read these types of scriptures, I'm tempted to identify with David. I begin feeling justified in my anger to those I see as enemies. I am reassured, and even placated by thinking that God will undo them in some way. I imagine Him validating the purity of my motives and intents, and ruining those who would stand against me.

There are a couple of problems with that, though. Firstly, we live in the New Testament era, and so are trying to love our enemies. Jesus taught us to be kind to those who mistreat us. Secondly, as I grow in faith and humility, God has given me a glimpse into the nature of my own heart. I know I am not pure in motive.

So then, how does one interpret such an imprecatory Psalm? What value does it have for a Christian?

I like thinking of these verses as prayers that have received surprising answers. David asked God to be his salvation, and we ask God the same thing; and so our loving Father sent Jesus to save us!

This is an important point that we Christians should remember when reading the old testament. Just because it contains stories of vengeance, calls for destruction, and injustice on display, this does not validate us behaving in these ways. Jesus revealed the true nature of the Father, as the many prophets before him did: God is love.

When we call out to God (as David did in this psalm), and ask for His intervention in challenging situations, we may find our own hearts changed. We begin seeing the part we play in the difficulties, or God may even give us insight into the struggles our enemy faces. I've noted a compassion for difficult people grows in me, as I seek to emulate the God of love.

As David sings, "You deliver the weak from those too strong for them, the weak and needy from those who despoil them."

Lord, change our hearts.


