My Journal and Diary
Saturday, January 8th, 2022
I'm Afraid So

Has fear taken over our minds? Whether it's something about the coronavirus, or despair about the state of the world, so many people are afraid. Some are afraid for their jobs, some are afraid of the unvaccinated. Others fear that the virus is a conspiracy, and the vaccine a lie.
Fear has become the dominant emotion, and that seems like such a waste to me!
Whatever the answer to any of these questions, why are we preoccupied with fear? Isn't there a better choice? Have we defaulted to fear because we've forgotten our faith? What does fear even give us? It shuts us down, it closes us off, it burns bridges! Fear is a destroyer of hope!
If we are to fear anything, we should fear God. His ways are the good ways.
In Psalm 11, David's friends urge him to flee to the mountains in order to escape Saul. They warned that the very foundations were crumbling around him, and the best thing he could do was escape. Their suggestion was reasonable, their advice sound from a worldly perspective, but thankfully, David disagreed.
David answered the fear by affirming God's oversight: the Lord's throne is in the heavens! God watches over all that happens, and this was David's source of confidence! He didn't put his trust in his own power, there was no self-reliance here, instead he put his confidence in a holy, all powerful, all knowing God.
The answer to fear is faith.
So, I entreat you: replace your fear with faith. Don't run from the battle, don't try to solve the problem in your own strength. Try to remember that no weapon formed against you will prosper! Don't fear man, don't fear the virus, don't fear the evil one! Fear only our God of love and justice.
Oh Lord, build my faith and replace my fear with love and trust.