My Journal and Diary
Saturday, March 19th, 2022
Through Us, Shine

I want my life to be an expression of faith to those I encounter! I would like it if--without saying any words--there was a sense of holy love about me.
It's not that I want to be seen as an amazing person who has it all together! Rather, I am so entranced with the transformation brought about by God's love, that I wish that all people could experience it! I feel such freedom as I go about my day! I no longer feel guilt! Not only that, but I experience such love as I encounter others! It is God's love manifesting itself through me. I weep when I see pain because I'm looking at it through Jesus' eyes! Furthermore, I long to make a difference in the lives of those who suffer, because the Holy Spirit is animating that desire within me!
I think this is what David is asking in this psalm.
I've found a few different interpretations for King David's Psalm 4, however, it looks to me like David is longing for a world filled with faith. Look at verses six and seven. He sings, “There are many asking to see good around them: so let the light of your face shine on us, O Lord! You have put gladness in my heart more than when grain and wine abound!” He continues by describing an inner peace, which lets him sleep at night. Why does he feel this way? It is because he trusts in God to keep him safe.
He asks those around him, “How long will you abuse God's honour? How long will you love empty and lying words? How long will you be disturbed or angry, and then sin?”
He tries to describe the alternative way to live: ponder your anger in your bed, be silent before God, do not sin. Offer the right sacrifices, trust in the Lord.
Lord, this is our desire. Rewrite the hard code of our hearts with the beautiful script of your law. May the light of your face shine upon us!