My Journal and Diary
Saturday, April 30th, 2022
Of Seeds and Mountains

I trust in the Lord.
Over and again, he's proven his faithfulness to me. He's answered little, teeny prayers. He's come to my rescue. He has helped me through challenging situations. He's blessed me in ways I don't deserve. He's provided for me financially when I was desperate.
Perhaps some would call these assurances mere coincidences, but not me.
This is the essence of faith for me: to find surety in the small things.
For example, last week I lost my wallet. Six days later, on Sunday, the pastor mentioned it from the front–and asked the church to pray. I was beginning to despair that the cash was stolen! Now I would need to replace all my debit and credit cards, my government health card, and my driver's license. I'd been carrying a couple of gift cards around with me too!
But an hour after church, I'd found my wallet stuffed in the front of a shoe.
It's so easy to explain it all away. Yes, I put the wallet there. It wasn't some magic appearing act God accomplished. Perhaps I would have stumbled onto it eventually—I don't wear these shoes often, as they are kind of uncomfortable. I could choose to not increase my faith, and just explain it all away.
But where's the fun in that? And more importantly, where's the faith in that?
Those who don't have much faith sometimes ask for a sign, so that their faith will grow. But the problem, in my opinion, is that these people don't see the signs that are all around them every day! If they only credited God with the little, teeny answers to prayer, they'd find themselves full of faith!
I pray God increases our faith even more, so like a mountain, we can never be moved!