My Journal and Diary
Saturday, June 4th, 2022
Not Moving

When David asked who could abide in God's tabernacle upon the holy hill, he may have been asking for himself! After all, David loved God, and he loved to worship! What better place to take up residence than in the very house of the Lord! Imagine being part of the daily offerings, participating in joyful worship, and regularly sensing the never-ending presence of the Holy One of Israel!
But remember that from David's old-covenant perspective, one must keep the law in order to be considered righteous! You can see it in this partial list he makes from verses 2 to 5. Each of these items are part of a performance-based system of keeping various rules outlined from the time of Moses.
Based on what we know of David, and this simple list of dos and don'ts, we may notice that David would not qualify to remain in the tabernacle: he had blood on his hands. Despite his place in time, we can see now that David is hinting at a future story in which his own descendant would qualify to abide in the presence of the Father!
Now we know that there is only one answer to his opening question: "Who may abide in God's tent?" Jesus. "Who may dwell on God's holy hill?" Jesus. Jesus alone walked blamelessly, and did what was always right. Go through the entire list, he passes all the conditions!
Therefore, we can rejoice that Jesus will never be moved outside that holy place with the Father! He is our brother and our advocate, and he makes it possible--through his sacrifice and pain--that each of us can join him at the Father's side!
Thank you, Jesus, for now we, like you, shall never be moved!