My Journal and Diary
Saturday, March 7th, 2020
Follow Pain with Faith

One of the things I've noticed that seems to be universal wherever you go, is that people are lonely, and hunger for deeper, more meaningful relationships.
Some of these individuals fill up their lives with activites, in order to distract themselves from the pain of emptiness. Maybe they make lots of friends, and focus on having as good of a time as they can possibly manufacture. Other people try the opposite strategy, and retreat into a silent, inner life. They convince themselves that this is their choice, so as to soften the pang of abandonment or insignificance.
In both situations one thing is true: there's no escaping loneliness, there's no escaping pain.
Isn't it fascinating? We are such social creatures, building vast networks of roads, cables, and computers just to speed up our ability to connect to one another, and yet, that connection is often painful, disappointing, and lonely. There's no satisfying that inner hunger for friendship and fellowship.
Even King David! As talented as he was in music, as able as he was in war, and despite being a gifted leader, David felt like he had no one really taking notice of him. He had no protector, standing at his right hand; no one who really cared for him.
No one, that is, except for God.
So what does he do? He cries out to God! He uses his voice, to plead with God, and affirms his trust in God to know the way, even when their are hidden traps meant to finish him. When there is no refuge for him, he looks to God to be his refuge.
Have you ever cried out to God in desperation, pouring out your pains and needs to him, like David? If so, I encourage you to finish your prayer with his same confidence of faith! He knows that the righteous ones will surround him, and that God will deal lavishly with him!
God will deal lavishly with you too! Make him your refuge, pour out your complaints before him, tell your troubles to him. He is your God.