Jason Silver

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My Journal and Diary



Saturday, June 25th, 2022

By His Stripes

YouTube video cover for Afflicted From My Youth
 Afflicted From My Youth

Psalm 129 is a song of ascents, meant to be sung on the worshipper's journey up the mountain to Jerusalem. In the lyrics, this psalmist reviews the past story of Israel as if it were his own story. Notice that rather than highlighting the successes and accomplishments of a mighty nation, these people sing of their survival in the midst of suffering.

1 ‘Often have they attacked me from my youth’
—let Israel now say—
2 ‘often have they attacked me from my youth,
yet they have not prevailed against me.
3 Those who plough ploughed on my back;
they made their furrows long.’

Think about that. It's not normal. When my family celebrates our past, we laugh about the good times! We fondly recall the funny moments, the surprises, the positive outcomes, maybe the near misses! But this isn't the way this song goes, at all. Instead, they're reminiscing about the scars on their backs! They're turning their pain into poetry!

That begs the question: what can we take from that?

First, when we suffer, we grow! You've likely heard about Christian "trials and tribulations." Those of us who direct our lives toward God, shouldn't be surprised when we find a lot of opposition. The scriptures tell us not to just expect, but to rejoice in suffering! For we know our suffering brings about the development of many positive outcomes, including perseverance, character, and hope.

Secondly, when we suffer, we become part of God! Our saviour identifies as the suffering servant; what greater honour can we have than to wear this mantle of pain and sacrifice? The stripes on his back, and the holes in his hands are evidence of his perfect love for us. We shall take it upon ourselves with pleasure. God has chosen and redeemed the "least of these" for himself. In our suffering and turmoil, we are set apart for him!

Third, when we suffer, we grow in faith! Look at how the psalmist reviews the pains of the past: he uses them as a basis of hope for the future! The blessing which awaits us is our reward for suffering! Each trial tempers us like quenching oil tempers iron. We will be able to look back on the past and agree with the psalmist and all the heroes of our faith: God is good.


