My Journal and Diary
Saturday, September 3rd, 2022
Come Worship

The people of the world may say, "If it feels good, just do it," but as Christians, we try to live a little differently. Even when we don't feel motivated, our faith-perspective and God-changed heart compel us to behave in ways we know to be right, despite how we feel at the time.
If you have made a decision to follow the ways of Jesus, then I'm sure you've noticed these changes. Our selfish hearts are transformed into kind ones. We notice ourselves bearing with others in generosity and offering our energy in personal self-sacrifice. It becomes easier to lovingly forgive wrongs against us; we desire to live even more honestly; and, as I will discuss today, sincere worship becomes something that flows out of our new natures!
The old self may complain and grumble when circumstances don't go our way, but the Christ-transformed self stops to consider our many blessings. Out of that moment of commitment comes worship!
The old self may despair when the doors of opportunity close before us, but the new self realizes that God is directing our paths, making a way that satisfies us and glorifies Him! Out of that realization comes worship.
What about suffering? As much as we don't look forward to it, our Christ-transformed soul knows that it can bring about a greater depth of character. It can put us in the footsteps of Jesus, and so foster a more intimate knowledge of Christ. Out of this pain, worship can flow.
In all things, worship. Like the psalmist today, make a joyful noise! Look around: the natural world is taking part! Don't stand in the doorway, but step through the gates into the King's presence! Join with the generations before us, and join the generations to come, in continuing the voice of praise!