Jason Silver

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My Journal and Diary



Saturday, October 1st, 2022

Keeping Silent

YouTube video cover for Scorn

Wouldn't it be wonderful if God always spoke to us in a clear, audible voice? Wouldn't it make it easier to know that he is listening to us if we could hear him speak? I would love to hear his clear direction in so many difficult situations!

In today's Psalm 109, David asks God to not be silent, and then pours his heart out to the Lord, asking for justice. In his lamentation, he begs God to make right the wrongs against himself and others!

This has happened to me, and it's probably happened to you too; sometimes when we put ourselves out there in love, we receive only disdain in return. David wrote that while still praying for these people—people he had shown love to—they were attempting to subvert justice with false accusations. Between verses six and 19, David recalls their prophetic-style curses on him. They even call down calamity on David's own father, mother, and children!

David begs God to represent his case and intercede. He pleads for justice, and he knows to whom he shall go to find it.

I believe the last point is the main take-away from this part of scripture. When we need justice, our best solution is to go to God. David doesn't attempt to manipulate the situation, but asks God to vindicate him. From what we read here, David isn't trying to affect the downfall of this individual. Rather, he asks God to do what is right.

Note how David appeals to God's character. He recalls our heavenly Father's steadfast love, his Holy name! As people are belittling David and gossiping about him, David is more concerned about how this will affect God's reputation!

He doesn't elevate himself before God, reminding God of how wonderful he is, or how worthy of God's attention he may be. Instead, he calls himself poor and needy. He owns his weakness, and fasts before God in his prayers.

Even at the end of Psalm 109, David takes an attitude of meek and humble praise. He entreats God to have mercy on him, a lowly part of the throng, taking part in the act of worship. His submissive posture before God is beautiful, as he takes pleasure in God's protection of the lowly and needy, of whom he counts himself a part.

Are you willing to be needy before God? Do you recognize your place as a humble and broken servant? That may be an important attitude to adapt as you call out to the God of justice.

The God of love will hear and answer. He will not remain silent.


