Jason Silver

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My Journal and Diary



Saturday, November 12th, 2022

Heavenly Citizenship

YouTube video cover for My Jerusalem
 My Jerusalem

As citizens, we often feel a sense of pleasure in our country of origin. I experience this regularly when I make Psalm nature videos. As I hike through the mixed forests of Ontario, and as I climb over the rocky landscape that is the Canadian Shield, something within me feels at home.

On a relational level, as I hear people laugh at the way we Canadians use the word "eh," or the way we are singled out for being exceptionally polite, I admit to feeling pride creeping in. This is my country, and I'm glad to call it home. I even jokingly refer to it as "God's country."

It's not that unusual, and whether you're from Ireland or Italy, Jamaica or Japan, you likely have a similar saying: "This is God's country."

Lately, because of the fighting between Russia and Ukraine, I've witnessed something similar: people from both sides of the conflict who are proud of their land, and supportive of their leaders. I understand this tendency, but we should be wary, too: wherever we hang our hat; whatever the country we call home, as believers, we are citizens of a different kingdom.

In today's Psalm 87, we hear the psalmist extol the virtues of Jerusalem, stating that it is the city that the Lord loves more than all others! He may have a unique right to call Jerusalem God's country! It is the place of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! It is the earthly homeland of Jesus himself! But Jesus Christ has made us citizens not of Zion, but of heaven; and so we belong to a spiritual kingdom!

What might that mean for us? Shall we deny our earthly citizenship and tear up our passports? Shall we withdraw from the politics of the physical world in favour of the spiritual world? Not at all! Rather, we should become like salt and light to flavour and illuminate the earth! We should consider our fellow humans to be brothers and sisters in an even greater kingdom!

Dear Father in heaven, thank you for making us part of your family. May we represent you as ambassadors of your land, our true home! Bring about your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.


