Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Saturday, March 4th, 2023

News and Updates

YouTube video cover for Raised Him From the Dead
 Raised Him From the Dead

Hello friends, thanks for being interested and supportive of the ministry I'm passionate about. Your contribution of prayer, or comments, or finances, or all of the above are such an encouragement.

I haven't posted on my blog since the end of December, 2022, so I thought I was long overdue to say a little about what's been going on.

God has been doing so much in my family life. My daughter Grace received a treatment which brought healing to her. Both of my sons are now engaged to be married in August and September! My wife and I just celebrated our own 29th wedding anniversary on Sunday. My in-laws are marking their own 60th anniversary this summer in Saskatchewan, and my family will be flying out to be with them for the some partying (Mennonite style), as well as participating in the 100 year anniversary of their family farm.

Another excitement: On Wednesday I received two complementary copies of a hymnal in the mail, which is composed entirely of Psalms. It contains three of my own versions, which feels significant to me. I love that the church is making use of my work. (PsalmsOfGrace.com)

I also received my new Philippians CD in the mail, "Hey! Philippi." I've decided to sell them for $20 each. If you'd like a copy, send me an email or reach out to me on social media. They will be released on the various music platforms over the next couple of months. I've decided to release three singles, a month or so apart, before releasing the entire album. This is my effort to be noticed a bit more, so I hope it hasn't inconvenienced anyone.

If you haven't watched my YouTube videos recently, you may not have noticed a couple of new formats. For one, I am doing "Read Along" sessions, where my song plays in the background, while I point through the words in the Bible. For the other, I have been videoing my recording process, and then using that footage to make a type of music video of the song. I've also been trying to post to TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram regularly, although I'm fairly certain I'll abandon the latter as it's not doing very well.

Thanks again for all you do to support this effort.

God bless!

