My Journal and Diary
Friday, November 10th, 2023
1 Corinthians 14:20-25

Here's my next song from 1 Corinthians. I wrote this yesterday, and have spent the day today recording it. I think it turned out pretty good. I'm following the form of modern songs, in that there are only two chords for most of this song - intro, verses, chorus, outro. The only exception is I added a third chord for the bridge.
Truthfully, this isn't my favourite approach to song writing, but it's a challenge to make the song interesting with very little in the way of chord changes!
I truly hope this will be benefit for you in some way, whether for memorization, soaking in the scripture, or use in your church and personal worship.
Don't be a stranger- I'd love to hear from you (I've got lots of patrons, but only about four people ever say hi, so please let me know you're out there!)
In Him,