Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Saturday, August 19th, 2023

The Week in Review

Hello my dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

Unfortunately I do not have a song to share with you this week. I realize that it's been 3 weeks or more maybe, since I've written a new scripture song. I'm sorry, and thank you for being patient.

A big reason why, is that I have volunteered to write a web application for Canadian Christian musicians. The application is CovenantAwards.ca, and this site's purpose is for the Gospel music association of Canada to better manage their covenant awards.

It's been amazing getting to know so many Christian different musicians in Canada! I've been helping them with their award submissions, helping them fill out their profiles, listening to their music, and have even started a playlist on Spotify so that these musicians can get even more exposure!

You might wonder why I've decided to spend time doing such a thing, and it's not entirely altruistic. As I interact with these people, they have agreed to be interviewed by me on an upcoming podcast.

My hope is that this podcast will give me an opportunity to have more of a long form conversation with Christian musicians across my country. I want to talk to them about their hopes and dreams, the struggles that have faced well seeking to glorify God with their music, what led them into this ministry, what their plans for the future are, and stuff like that.

So many people have agreed to do this already! I think I have about 15 musicians lined up so far, and if I do one a month that will provide me with lots of interesting content from months to come!

What you think of this idea?

As I think I mentioned before, Lucas was married last weekend, and my other son Seth will be married in the middle of September! As soon as those weddings are finished, then I hope to continue with this podcast idea, Lord willing.

Please pray that I follow God's leading, and if these conversations will have an impact on our society. As brothers and sisters, I believe our role as encouragers of one another in Ministry is very important. You already understand that, being such an encouragement to me! Thank you for that!

I would love to hear your thoughts. If you know any other Canadian Christian musicians, please let me know in the comments.

Also, if you wouldn't mind following and the listening to the following playlist, that would mean a lot to all of us.


God bless you!

