My Journal and Diary
Friday, June 16th, 2023
New Song: Colossians 4:1-6

Here's my latest song!
There has been a lot going on in my life lately. My family (including the boy's fiances) flew to Saskatchewan last week. This is where Joanne's family lives. It was her mother's 80th birthday and her parents 60th wedding anniversary.
We wrote a song for her mom's birthday (to go along with the song we wrote for her dad's 80th a couple of years ago). We performed these songs at their anniversary celebration, with all the kids playing instruments too! A lot of fun!
Getting there was a bit stressful. There was an issue with Joanne not being allowed to get on the place because her driver's license was expired. We had to buy another $800 plane ticket, but it worked out okay in the end. Her parents were glad to have us there, and there were some bridges made between my kids and her sister's kids (her sister has chosen to estrange herself from the family).
Health-wise, my girls are improving. Keep praying for us, and let me know how I can pray for you.
I've been developing a website for the Gospel Music Association of Canada. I'm doing it for free, and have already made connections with some important people and have started developing relationships which I hope will increase the exposure to my music.
Anyway, lots going on! Please reach out to me personally so we can connect and get to know each other better!