My Journal and Diary
Saturday, March 25th, 2023
A Wonderful Break!

Hello dear brothers and sisters! I'm writing to report on our last week.
Last week was what we called "March Break" here in Canada; a time for kids to take a week of school. We received a gift of a vacation from friends, and joined them at a time-share in Myrtle Beach! Thank you Sandi and Andre!
Although it wasn't as warm as we expected, we had an opportunity to hike in some beautiful parks, play fun games in the evening, (and the women in my life enjoyed the opportunity to shop in different stores!)
When we returned, we received word that a friend of ours had died, and I was asked to be the clergy for her funeral- something I have never done before! She had been struggling with stomach cancer for two years, and was relatively young: only 10 years older than Joanne and I. It was sobering to see again how precarious life can be.
I'm continuing my work on Colossians, and accidentally released another video this morning at 9 (at the same time as my Psalm 7 Read Along video -- oops!)
For patrons, I've attached the MP3 for that song to this message.
I am planning on rewriting this song. I accidentally left out some verses, and included verses for chapter 3 which are already included in another song. PLUS, I just don't like it very much.
Thanks again for all you do!