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Jason Silver

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Thoughts and Reflections on Scripture



Friday, August 24th, 2018
Related Song

A Loving Law

It's kind of hard to appreciate how much “the law” is loved in Psalm 119. It goes against my instincts, this love of law.

Whether it's statutes, commandments, ordinances, precepts, or decrees, it seems like the Psalmist is really obsessed with rules! I can not relate.

However, one must take note that the rules of God are not like any other directive. Consider how Jesus summed up all the law: to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbours as ourselves!

These are laws motivated by love! Their purpose is to bring us long-life, happiness, comfort, and peace with those around us.

Once we fully submit ourselves to the ways of God, we will also see His word as a light, illuminating and guiding us through difficult times!
