My Journal and Diary
Friday, December 3rd, 2021
Spread The Word!
The Ephesians album can now be purchased from my website (it's not in stores yet, though). As an introduction, I've made it "Pay What You Want," so there's no reason why your friends can't get their own copy.
I haven't decided how I'm releasing it to the stores yet. Some people tell me it's better to release it in smaller chunks - such as five songs on four separate releases, spread out over the year. Apparently this keeps the momentum going for my music.
I don't know much about marketing, so please feel free to chime in if you have any thoughts on this, or on anything else related to my music.
The bottom line: I would like more people to learn and love God's holy word; to be influenced and changed by it; to know it, and live by it!
God bless you for helping to make this "a thing."